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Our Files

At Inje Physical Therapy, we keep an updated library of informational files for our patients. These files provide important information on various musculoskeletal problems and treatment options. We encourage our patients to review them and contact us with any further questions or remarks.

File Name


This is your file's description. Concisely describe the content of your file and make sure to highlight your contact details for further questions and remarks.

File Name

Key Facts

This is your file's description. Concisely describe the content of your file and make sure to highlight your contact details for further questions and remarks.

File Name

Good to Know

This is your file's description. Concisely describe the content of your file and make sure to highlight your contact details for further questions and remarks.

File Name


This is your file's description. Concisely describe the content of your file and make sure to highlight your contact details for further questions and remarks.


Exercise Videos

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